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Here's what people have to say:

"I have been drinking Alka Puro [water] for 2 months now. It has dramatically reduced my sugar cravings and I have lost at least 17 pounds!"  -Deborah N., age 53

"I've been prescribed blood pressure medication for the past couple years.  I was introduced to alkaline water.  Luckily, I have now been able to reduce my medication dosage by 1/2 and foresee no medication necessary in the very near future.  Initially my BP was 150/95 and currently with 1/2 dosage it measures an average of 115/70."  -Hank S., age 56

"I have had countless numbers of patients with painful osteoarthritis on many different medications for arthritis.  Many have been pain free within a couple months after adjusting their urine pH to 7.0 to 7.5 by consuming adequate amounts of alkaline water and alkaline foods.  As a result, many are able to go off of their medications."  -Dr. Don  Colbert, Author, 7 Pillars of Health

"Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste...  After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I'm convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative diseases."  -Dr. Sherry Rogers, MD, Author, Detoxify or Die